How to Import Leads Into Pretty Simple

Hi! It’s me, Sharon, the Co-Founder of Pretty Simple! Since the beginning I knew my biggest competitors are spreadsheets, and I get it. They are free and super customizable, but when you are ready to start getting more insights around your leads Pretty Simple is a vibe.

Once you sign up, here are the steps to import your leads!

  1. Log into the website version.
  2. Click on your profile on the bottom left corner and select SettingsClick on settings in bottom left where your name is to view upload feature
  3. You will see your account page, which has the section titled Import Leads. Download the Spreadsheet. account page
  4. Fill out the spreadsheet. Here are some general guidelines for each column. You can always click on the small triangle on each column header where there are notes.
    1. Don’t change the name of the columns! They look like typos, but are meant to look that way and the headers are all written together as one word like “FollowUpDate.”
    2. Name: Put the name of your lead here. You can do first and last name, just first or even a nickname!
    3. Value: This is the estimated value of your lead. If you’re not sure yet, you can just put “10” and update it later. Don’t use the currency formatting here! We’ll do that later when you upload it.
    4. Start Date: This is the date you connected with a lead. This doesn’t have to be exact, but the first day they sent you a message, called or you met at networking event. Guess if you don’t remember.
    5. Source: Put the ‘source’ of your referral here. I usually just use one word descriptions like Instagram, Google, networking or the name of a referral.
    6. Temperature: Is the lead cold, warm or hot? You can learn more about temperature here.
    7. Follow Up Date: Select the date you want a reminder to follow up!
    8. Note: It’s required to add a note here. You can just put NA if you don’t want to add anything now, or you can add a sentence or two about your interactions so far.
    How to build your csv using mac numbers
  5. Save as a CSV file with a name you can easily remember. Save spreadsheet as a CSV
  6. Leave the box unchecked for table names if you are using Numbers.
  7. Return to the Accounts Page and drag and drop that CSV file into the box that says “Import CSV File” and a screen like this will appear and you selet import and then finish when all the boxes turn green.view uploaded leads successful upload of leads to pretty simple app
  8. You’re done! Person A, B and C are now all in the dashboard! But wait.. What if you have errors? Keep scrolling… persons a, b, and c have been added to your leads
  9. If you see a screen like below where there are boxes that are bright pink, you can simply click on them to correct the issue. Most often it was just left blank or the date wasn’t properly formatted. Errors are show in the list of leads being uploadedyou can click on the read table cell to correct the error
  10. All Errors issue: If you see a screen similar to below there are three common issues:
    1. Was your file a CSV?
    2. Did you leave the “import column headers” unchecked when you saved your spreadsheet as a CSV?
    3. You changed the headers in the spreadsheet. They look like typos, but are meant to look that way and the headers are all written together as one word like “FollowUpDate.”
    4. There are more than 100 records. For now we are limiting imports to 100, but may change that in the future.
    upload errors
Pretty Simple

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